or to anyone what he had seen lurking in the man's hands and eyes-what he had felt hiding in the man's mind and heart.

Already the face the force of that close and threatening room were fading from him-falling deep into the well of unwanted memories within him.

He stared steadily at the cat's armored eyes-felt the cat's inviolate dignity-somehow sensed the human weakness he must guard against in himself as well as in others, if he was to be the cat's master, and his own.

Tomsy thought, as the lights of a movie house on the next block flashed on in the dusk, “It was fun, wasn't it? It was like in a movie. That guy didn't get a thing out of me. None of them bastards did. That smart Butch thought he fooled me, hey? Said he'd see me tonight? Well, I'll see him tonight, and I'll punch his bloody face in, too. And that coward'll give me that buck, or else I'll snitch on him to the cops!"



A bit trite, perhaps, but true nonetheless. When did you last whet your mind on a controversial, new idea? Why don't you see if you're still "up to snuff" and can either assimilate OR challenge a unique concept in a die-stamped 20th Century? . . . Or are you afraid to let your mind step out of line once in a while?


Dean Merritt's provocative article on Social Evolution-an orderly, thoughtful projection of mankind's next evolutionary step.

D. B. Vest's Is the Isophyl the Next Step? An elaboration of Dean Merritt's work-summarily: Is mankind tending toward an ultimate, independently self-reproducing being?

Homophile Music-Music, the Hermaphroditic Art.

Buy your copy of ONE Institute's Quarterly #20 today and grapple with a new IDEA.

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